

My name is Mary Williams Benefield and I am the Republican Candidate in Georgia Senate District # 55. I am a lifelong resident of Dekalb County and an eighth generation Georgian; our beloved red clay runs deeply through my veins. I am a proud American Citizen, Taxpayer and Voter, that is fed up with the fact that my voice, as well as the voices of my neighbors is not being heard. I will represent conservative principles in Georgia Senate District # 55.

Precincts in District # 81

  • Briarlake Elementary
  • Dresden Elementary (Part of)
  • Embry Hills
  • Evansdale Elementary
  • Hawthorne Elementary
  • Henderson Mill
  • Lakeside High
  • Livsey Elementary
  • Midvale Elementary
  • Midvale Road
  • Oak Grove Elementary
  • Pleasantdale Road
  • Sagamore Hills Elementary
  • Tucker Library (Part of)
  • Warren Tech

My Key Issues

Economic Well-being

The FairTax, the best option for real tax reform. A consumption tax, in which only new goods or services that people choose to purchase is taxed. Through this model all purchases made in the State of Georgia will contribute; residents and visitors alike. For more a detailed understanding of the FairTax, please visit:

Strengthening Voter Confidence

Safeguarding the integrity of every Georgia citizen's vote and fighting voter suppression requires robust election security measures. These measures will uphold the sanctity of citizen voting rights by maximizing the impact of every single citizen vote.

  • Improving the accuracy of Voter Rolls and Databases.
  • Discontinue Dominion Voting Machines.
  • Return to Paper Ballots, Hand counted on the Precinct Level.
  • Move non-partisan elections for Judges & School Boards to the General Election.
Public Safety

Safety is a fundamental requirement of government. Citizens have a right to expect public safety resources to be available and responsive to emergency needs. Crime demoralizes families, communities and businesses.

  • Increase funding to Law Enforcement Agencies for: Wage & Benefit Increases, Advance Training & Continuing Education Courses, Equipment that is well-maintained and technologically up to date, and Properly Staffing All First Responder Departments.
  • Hold Prosecutors accountable to adhere to the laws of the State of Georgia and uphold their duty to prosecute criminal activity.
  • Support Drug & Alcohol Court Programs.

Parents & Schools MUST work together in our public schools to create successful learning environments that achieve excellence. Academics are the road to excellence: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, History, Civics, Art, and Music. Extra-Curricular Courses: Home Economics & Technical Skills (Auto Mechanics, Wood Working, etc.)

  • Expand Vocational Training in our high schools to offer more vocational choices for students who don’t see college as a career path.
  • Address overcrowding of schools by requiring a cap on the School District's use of classroom waivers, also require local Planning & Zoning to consider the impact on local school populations.
  • Utilize the Georgia Milestone Assessment System for year-end proficiency

Thousands gather for campaign launch

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Christina visits local clinic

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Important to Me

Putting My Experience to Work
  • Only LEGAL Georgia Citizens VOTE. Uphold and protect the Georgia Constitution, Article II, Section I, Paragraph II: Right to register and vote. Every person who is a citizen of the United States and a resident of Georgia as defined by law, who is at least 18 years of age and not disenfranchised by this article, and who meets minimum residency requirements as provided by law shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people…
  • Election Legislation is between the Legislature and the Individual Voter. Corporations, Non-Profits, Third Parties have no STANDING in determining Election Legislation.
  • Clear and Understandable Legislation. Legislation and Statutes must have clear definitions and language that is readily understood in everyday language.
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